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Wellness Packages

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1) Detoxification and Rejuvenation Treatments

Toxins are chemical substances that are generally foreign to the body and can cause damage to cells, organs and general health when present in high amounts, making them intolerable to our health. They can come from the air we breathe, the water we drink, or they can also be present in the food we eat.

Transform yourself internally and externally with our personalized wellness services focused on your needs and limitations. By using our material, which includes a detox journal with information, stories, music and exercises, you will achieve your goals.

Detoxifying treatments will transform your daily and eating habits that will seek to eliminate excess toxins present in your body through changes in your life, and the consumption of drinks, fruits, juices and vegetables. The main objective is to improve circulation, cleanse the skin and increase the body's energy and immunity. The juices and soups involved in this detox program are generally mixtures of many different types of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Detox Tools

We will make use of the Abhyanga, one of the most popular massages in Ayurveda, which is performed with warm oil and is applied to the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of the feet, and you will even learn how to do it yourself in the comfort of your own home.

Some of these sessions will be carried out with the participation of a Health Coach certified in Integrative Health from the IIN Institute Integrative Nutrition of New York.


  • Detox journal.

  • Recipe guide

  • Detox Tools

  • Self-Abhyanga session.

  • Session with the participation of a certified Health Coach.

Duration: 2 sessions, 45 minutes per session. Price: $240 total.

2) Emotional Detox

Emotional detoxification treatment gives you an emotional balance and a quality of life that opens the possibility of feeling as you really want, full of happiness. Learn to understand that your limiting thoughts, emotions and habits are responsible for the happiness connected with your spirit. Emotional freedom plays a very important role in reconnecting with your true self. Increase comfort and immerse yourself in the infinite world of possibilities of peace, joy, love, creativity, compassion, wisdom, grace.

Duration: 5 sessions, 45 minutes each session.Value: $600 total.

3) Cellular Detox

Through the microbiota and intuitive nutrition, your body has the power to clean itself cellularly through the natural processes of all the systems it possesses, improving health and well-being. The quality and quantity of food that we provide to the body makes it sick or heals it. On this path we will teach you how to clean it naturally and healthily from the depths, your cells.

Duration: Varies

Value: 300 Dollars.

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